About one year ago i was totaly ecaused after that's pre-christmas projekt, wich was to create 5 12x12 albums - each with 40 LO's.. the ressault for me back then, was that I used all my inspiration and creativity to make them - and did nothing at all for 8 month.
So this year I had to do something else, and i came up with the great idea.
"Den Store Bestemor Boka" ("Grandmas Big Book Of Us")
I used about the same time, but this became more a projekt of fun, and not at projekt "lots of work - have to be done quick!!"
This time I felt I could play with my new knowledge and my new style. I could use all the stuff i wanted to, and not think to much of what the reciver would think.
Offcourse I forgot to take a picture of the done book - but I can tell u it was huge.
I made the book myself, all from binding the book, hand quilted the pages, and deco it my self so it should be a 100% homemade book in 1 copy, for the greatest person in my family - my grandmother.
I have used all kind of materials, as u can see below (in the next frame). All the well known things for a scrapbooking person, to things who maybe doesn't belong here, but I feel they do so they came in.
I tried some new stuff 2, like making a LO on top of a Hambly overlay. I have made one more after this album, but I maybe think that would be the last one, cause i find it to difficult, difficult to make it work.
On a coupple of LO's i have used a piece of overlay and melted it in the edges to make a kind of outline - so that the point of the picture, not should be 2 hidden in all the deco.
I have used lot's of buttons to make shapes, and even more flowers to make, almost like small sculpures in the LO.
All the way making it I tried to challenge myself, tried to make the next one even more detailed than the last one, and fill it with things I havn't seen anyone else do so far.
Off Course, I know it is almost impossible to do a very new thing in this world.
But not seen by me make me belive i made it up...
At least till I see that someone else also got "this" great idea - just beore me.. (smile)
The one I am most satisfied with is the yellow one called "Herman". Here I have used lots of brads in a way I have never done before. Like to stich the red flower to the background, or the ribbon u see on right side. Also, I tried to outline the chip boards in a way I haven't done before, and I discoverd, there is a whole new world waiting for me (to go shopping..), and learn some new stuff.
LO number 8 is made by Vibeke S - one of the master of scrappbooking in Norway. We was on a gathering and she didn't feel any of her own pictures talk to her, so I gave her one of mine and asked if she could do anything with it, well as u see, She did alot out of it!!!
So thank you Vibeke!!
When I was finnishing the album i quilted it together, so on page 2 was the journaling and page 3 showd the LO, page 4 was more journalig and page 5 a new LO.
I made 12 LO's and 13 pages with journaling. When I vissit grandma next time I'll take a picture of it so u can see it yourself. It is huge!!!
This weekend I will re-open my sketch competition. ( there are 3 more rounds, all with one week of time to complete).
I hope to see more of what u do. Valentine is coming up, so the sketches wil have more a love theme than christmas. Send your work to my e-mail adress pelleryk@online.no and I'll put it in here for a vote.
One of my goals this year for my scrappbooking, is to try to find places in forumes, just not in Norway to show what I do, but I have some problems finding the right place, u have any idea where I can go to post my works?
Then just one more thing to say, I wish u a happy new year. Lets make this a much better year than last year. And hopefully we can, in all our bloggs - by the end of the year show the first one - and the last one we made this year so that we all can see how much we have evolved..
Good luck on the sktech, I realy hope u take u the time and join for the 3 last rounds.
xxx Pelle
1 kommentar:
hei pelle :)
godt nyttår! for et nydelig album du har laget til bestemoren din, må være utrolig kjekt å få noe så personlig som er laget helt fra bunnen av :)
har du prøvd deg på www.scrapinstyletv.com ? jeg liker meg hvertfall veldig godt der :) tror kanskje stilen din passer perfekt inn der :) du får se deg litt om!
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